Grand Opening, Student Lounge ‘Empat Dua Kopi’ UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School, Ready to Accompany Your Break & Inspiration Moments

The success of the learning process lies in the effective and efficient utilisation of learning facilities. If this aspect is fulfilled, then the success of the learning process is likely to be achieved.

The management of academic support facilities is one of the keys to success in increasing learning productivity, because with the right utilisation of learning facilities, educators will find it easier to deliver learning materials, and students will find it easier to receive materials. In addition, students can also train themselves to play an active role in learning by utilising learning facilities as a communication medium. The utilisation of learning facilities is very important for the achievement of learning objectives.

As an effort to improve facilities and infrastructure, UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School held a grand opening (GO) of the student lounge facility in collaboration with Empat Dua Kopi on 12 November 2024.

The activity was opened with the recitation of the divine kalam, remarks from H. Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D. as Deputy Director I for Academic, Innovation, and Student Affairs, and remarks from H. Fathur Rahman Mahfudz, B.I.R.K., M.M. as Deputy YPIKA UIKA Bogor.

In addition to reading the names of the donors who contributed to the construction, H. Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D., on his occasion also conveyed the main purpose of building the Student Lounge facility. ‘This Student Lounge facility was made to be used by students or lecturers to relax, discuss, and so on, presenting a cafe atmosphere. Of course, we collaborate with professionals in their fields who do have experience managing similar things.’.

On the same occasion, H. Fathur Rahman Mahfudz, B.I.rkh, and M.M. said that YPIKA UIKA Bogor really appreciated the construction of the student lounge facility, and he also said that something similar was also implemented on famous campuses abroad.

‘We as the Ibn Khaldun Islamic Education Foundation (YPIKA) Bogor really appreciate the existence of this student lounge. At the same time, this proves that the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School keeps up with the times because facilities like this also exist on campuses abroad. With various types of cafes today, this student lounge can become a cafe of knowledge for students’.

Presenting a contemporary cafe atmosphere, Student Lounge Empat Dua Kopi UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School also provides food and drinks served by expert baristas so that the menu has superior quality.

This facility is one of the campus efforts in providing comfort to lecturers, students, teaching staff and external parties, creating an environment that supports the productivity and creativity of UIKA Bogor Postgraduate students.

Have you tried this facility? Let’s stop by for a moment.

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